This painting is literally me,my heart speaking.
Being a dark skinned kid,
Sorry,to be precise-“being a dark skinned female kid” feeling beautiful was not a thing,not because i wasn’t comfortable,because people were not comfortable seeing a dark skin you girl feeling good about herself,loving herself and who doesn’t care about the sun burning her skin and making her darker just for playing.
Being a dark skinned teenager, it was hard to believe for people(not all) that guys will fall for her.
They were worried about my love life and marriage more than me.
I was constantly hammered as i was growing up- “you are dark but cute”
Thank you for being so elaborate on explaining yourself. That didn’t help.
Thank you for saying that yellow white and pink is not my colour because that makes me look darker.
Thank you for saying only my hair is nice and nothing else.
Thank you for killing the confidence in your very casual manner.
Do you remember what you told me? Probably not. But see the effect you have,till today when i pick up my clothes i avoid white,yellows and lighter shades.. Not because i don’t like them, i don’t feel beautiful about myself or that wont suit me.
But it is the habit planted and nurtured deep inside a stupid immature kid.
Damn,you have no idea how much i love and have always loved my skin.
You really dont have any idea that im not even trying,
I always loved my dark complexion and also like your complexion.
How differnt we are and that is what makes us beautiful and unique.
I am getting rid of the disease some of you gave me,i am healing,ive fought with grace.
Ps. If i ever meet the young me who cried,scratched her skin to get rid of the colour,i would tell her how beautiful she is,and how more beautiful she will become.
And fuck the unnecessary comments.
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