I have lived most of my life engulfed by these two words.
When i look back, I see many sleepless nights, where i lied there on the bed, hugging my pillow tight, trying to fall asleep.
But these what ifs seldom left me alone.
What if i did it?
What if i did not?
What if they thought so?
What if they didn’t care?
What if i lose them?
What if the need me?
The list is ever changing with new questions.
New assumptions.
These what ifs have infested my mind, but the best feeling is, they couldn’t engulf me whole!
They couldn’t overshadow the part of me who always knew, these what ifs will scare me, but can never stop me from living my life to the fullest.
In this battle of the what ifs and my peace!
I fell asleep.
Deep deep deep.
Just to wake up, and live life anyway!
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